In Situ Testing Technical Papers and Documents

Interested in the finer detail of the in-situ testing process? Looking for papers on geotechnical parameter correlations? Browse through a list of selected technical papers, guides and other documents on in situ testing in our in situ testing library. Click on the item to download a pdf version of the paper.

If you have any in situ testing questions just give us a call and we’ll do our best to answer them.

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We operate our in situ tests under international standards. Below are links to the standards organisations where the appropriate standards can be purchased.

ASTM 5778-12: Electronic Cone and Piezocone Testing

ASTM D6635-01: Flat Plate Dilatometer Testing

ASTM D7400 14: Downhole Seismic Testing

ISO 22476-1: 2012: Electrical Cone and Piezometer Testing


If you haven’t found the in situ testing information you need in our in situ testing library, the sources on in-situ testing listed below are also worth exploring. Remember you can always call us with your in situ testing queries.

Peter Robertson
Dr. Peter Robertson (Professor Emeritus, Geotechnical Engineering) is a renowned expert on CPT. He has an excellent website full of useful information on the test, its interpretations and its applications.

Marchetti DMT
For information on the DMT and sDMT, Professor Silvano Marchetti’s website provides a huge amount of downloadable papers, power point presentations, images, videos and documents on the test:

Paul Mayne
Another useful source of insitu testing information is Dr. Paul Mayne’s website, which has lots of downloadable information and links:

CPeT-IT Software
We highly recommend the CPT interpretation program, CPeT-IT and the associated CPT liquefaction software, CLiq by GeoLogismiki.